5 Easy Credit Repair Tips 

Millions of Americans currently have a poor handle on their debt. They have received bad marks on their worthiness ratings because of missed bills or debt defaults. Many of these men and women feel trapped and consider bankruptcy. They are unsure of what to do and how to respond. Panic does not help anyone get out of debt in these situations and avoid foreclosure. Instead, individuals have to work on their income, control their spending, and embrace other tips that help with the idea of taking out loans and cards.

Review your debts

Most easy tips for a person who wants to fix their debts begin with knowing what their worthiness rating actually is. They can do this through a number of different approaches. Several different companies offer monitoring services where they show your basic score and some reasons why your borrower score may not be higher. According to the FTC, a person can also submit inquiries receive a full credit score and credit report from Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion once per year. The best advice according to the FTC for this process is to submit inquiries from a different bureau every four months. This schedule increases the chances that an individual will be able to recognize any issues that Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion report as soon as possible.

Control spending

Next, individuals have to formulate a strategy for controlling their spending. Spending is the greatest source of financial problems that exists. A person can reduce spending in a number of different ways. They can set a budget and stick closely to that budget. People can replace expensive items with generic alternatives. They can sell some assets that are costing them a considerable amount of money each month. They can also significantly cut into their budget for entertainment items and other spending categories that are not essential. This process can be difficult for many people. However, it takes a clear strategy to reduce their debt burden and start increasing their scores.

Earn more credit

Earning more credit is another essential step that a person can take in order to repair their credit score. This process relates to one of the factors that goes into the formation of a credit score. The credit utilization rate refers to the amount of credit that a person uses as a percentage of how much credit they have available. People who have higher credit limits and do not use much of that credit can boost their scores and recover their credit more quickly. They should make sure to avoid short sales or a judgement when they do this. Judgements will only hurt their scores moving forward.

Make more installment purchases

Once a person has more money and has controlled their spending, they should start to consider more installment purchases which will improve their payment history. These are purchases that a person makes where they receive the product and pay for it with monthly or weekly payments while avoiding foreclosure. Making an installment purchase and then making regular monthly payments for months or years bolsters payment history and is essential to bringing a FICO rating up and keeping it high.

Earn extra income

Earning extra income can be essential to boosting an individual’s FICO rating. This extra income allows individuals to pay off their debts early and take on more debt. It helps them overcome a tax lien and expenses from short sales, a repossession, or a charge-off. Extra income also reduces the debt-to-income ratio that a person has. A lower ratio makes handling debt easier. It reduces the chances that a person ever has to miss a payment when they are paying off a loan. People may also qualify for higher card limits and improve their credit utilization rates.


Anyone who wants to fix their credit and has issues paying off their bills needs to take proactive steps to solve their problem. While there are no magical solutions to their problem, bankruptcy attorneys may be able to help with credit repair. Credit repair can be a long and difficult process. But with practice and attention to detail, anyone can do it.

Jeffrey Roberts

Emily Roberts: Emily, a former corporate lawyer, demystifies the world of law with clear explanations of legal principles, case analyses, and insights into the legal profession. Her blog is a valuable resource for law students, legal professionals, and anyone interested in law.